Friday, August 6, 2010

Is OuterClass able to access the InnerClass Methods and Variables (Vice-Versa)?

In Main method both classes are unable to access the variables and methods but outside the Main method InnerClass has a right to access the OuterClass variables and Methods (even private also), but what about the OuterClass?
OuterClass has also right to access the InnerClass Variables and Methods...

How : innerclass_object and outerclass_obect
These two objects on the heap have a special bond, The inner can use the outer's variable (and vice-versa).

See the example:

public class OuterClass {
private String str;

// create the instance of innerclass...
InnerClass obj = new InnerClass();

private class InnerClass {
int i;

public int getI() {

// intialize the outerclass private variable
str = "aayushjain";
return i;

public void setI(int i) {
this.i = i;



public void trial() {
System.out.println("hello i from outerclass");

// call the Inner Class methods

public static void main(String args[]) {
OuterClass obj_out = new OuterClass();

// unbale to access the innerclass methods.....
/* obj_out.getI(); */

OuterClass.InnerClass obj_inner = InnerClass();


// unable to access the outerclass methods..
/* obj_inner.trial(); */


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